учасник Каховської платформи академік Яків Дідух Academician Yakiv Didukh, a member of the Kakhov Platform
NGOs believe that it is not necessary to rebuild the Kakhov`ska HPP or demand to apply a comprehensive approach to assessing the situation and developing scenarios for the development of the region around the former Kakhovs`ka reservoir.
In particular, a number of public organizations created the Kakhov platform, which included more than thirty representatives of the public and experts from various fields.
The purpose of this platform is to assess the situation and find optimal scenarios for the development of the region after the Russian terrorist attack on the Kakhovs`ka HPP.
The Kakhovka platform appealed to the government with a statement, in which it is noted that the decision-making by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine took place without public discussion, without taking into account the opinion of scientists and specialists of various fields. Such decisions of the Government are a violation of Ukraine’s international obligations, taken within the framework of the Energy Community, the Aarhus Convention, and contradict European approaches, in particular those enshrined in Directive 2011/92/EU, and endanger the possibility of attracting funding from international donors for any activity regarding the reconstruction and further development of the region affected by a large-scale environmental disaster. Moreover, such hasty and ill-considered decisions may put Ukraine at risk of repeating such a disaster in the future.
With this in mind, civil society organizations call the government’s decision “premature” and call for it to be reviewed after a comprehensive analysis of the consequences and further options, as well as due consultation with all stakeholders.
“In order to choose the ways of further development of the region, strategic and spatial planning is necessary, including conducting a strategic environmental assessment (SEA), with proposals for various alternative options, including taking into account the principles of sustainable development and environmental protection, which are possible to implement in the current ecological and social – economic conditions”, – the statement says.
The appeal to the Prime Minister and the government was signed by more than 20 NGOs.
For reference: on July 18, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the resolution “On the implementation of the experimental project “Construction of the Kakhovs`ka hydroelectric station on the Dnipro River. Reconstruction after the destruction of the Kakhovs`ka HPP and ensuring the stable operation of the Dniprovs`ka HPP during the reconstruction period.” This resolution defines the parameters and procedure for the implementation of the experimental project from the beginning of the reconstruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP. The project is designed for 2 years. Moreover, the Procedure for its implementation, approved by Resolution No. 730 dated 18.07.2023, states that the project will be implemented without an environmental impact assessment.
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